} Gabriel Vasquez defeated Darshan Patel in the Democratic primary for U.S. House New Mexico District 2 on June 7, 2022. Before she was elected to Congress, Herrell served four terms in the New Mexico House of Representatives (2011-2019) where she helped found the Article V Caucus to restore federalism and curtail growth of the federal government. Why I Object - Rep. Yvette Herrell - Medium font-style: italic; .results_text { STRENGTHEN OUR MILITARY Rep. Yvette Herrell (R, New Mexico 2) has a lifetime environmental score of 0% and scored 0% in 2021. The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act (H.R. 3755) was a bill passed by the House of Representatives. padding-left: 16px; 392, Keating of Massachusetts Part A Amendment No. A primary election took place on June 3, 2014, and a general election took place on November 4, 2014. New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District election, 2018, New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District election (June 5, 2018 Democratic primary), New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District election (June 5, 2018 Republican primary), New Mexico House of Representatives elections, 2016, New Mexico House of Representatives elections, 2014, New Mexico House of Representatives elections, 2012, New Mexico House of Representatives elections, 2010, Counting of electoral votes (January 6-7, 2021), State legislative scorecards in New Mexico, Association of Commerce and Industry of New Mexico, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Yvette_Herrell&oldid=9034376, Republican challenger who defeated a Republican incumbent in a 2010 state house primary, Former member, New Mexico House of Representatives, 2012 unopposed primary and general election, 2014 unopposed primary and general election, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. [1] Leading conservative women such as Phyllis Schlafly have expressed that women should embrace their privileged essential nature. .widget-key { 49, Torres of Califorina Part A Amendment No. The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. 2, Green of Texas Part B Amendment En Bloc No. EFFECTIVE LEGISLATOR } letter-spacing: 0.03em; } 5376) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Vasquez declares victory in CD2 race - Albuquerque Journal Mental healthcare is a necessary component when providing complete coverage. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. margin-right: 10px; 8393) the Puerto Rico Status Act, Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022, Preventing Organizational Conflicts of Interest in Federal Acquisition Act. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { 2, Demings of Florida Part C Amendment No. She left office on January 3, 2023. }) fontFamily: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", margin: 8px auto; 14, Lee of California Part A Amendment No. Providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. Herrell Yvette Herrell Representative (R - NM) Oversight and Government Reform Natural Resources First Election 2020 Next Election 2022 TOP INDUSTRY 2021 - 2022 Republican/Conservative $491,138 TOP CONTRIBUTOR 2021 - 2022 House Freedom Fund $313,101 Campaign Committee Fundraising, 2021 - 2022 Leadership PAC: New Mexico Freedom Fund LAST REPORT: 12/31/2022 Scorecard Votes Annual Scores Recent Votes. } .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { } .results_row td:first-child { Common Cause New Mexico calls for immediate resignation of Yvette proved that she is an effective and efficient legislator who doesn't back down to special interests. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (H.R. (function() { 1, Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. font-size: .9em; 131, Jayapal of Washington Part D Amendment No. .cfheader.democratic { left: 0px; 447, Langevin of Rhode Island Part A Amendment No. Well be in touch. 26, Bowman of New York Part C Amendment No. TAX REFORM FOR LAND OWNERS Yvette understands the critical missions of the various military installations and will fight to keep them working in New Mexico. Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act of 2021. .race_header.libertarian { With so much disingenuous reporting and misinformation on this process and what it means, I want to set the record straight. 256 (117th): To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. In 2015, the 52nd New Mexico State Legislature, first session, was in session from January 20 through March 21. 6, Dean of Pennsylvania Part C Amendment No. 19, Foster of Illinois Part A Amendment No. width: 50%; 903, Rights for the TSA Workforce Act; H.R. .cftable th { Status: Passed. 1808) to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes, Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and for other purposes, Making appropriations for Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. color: white; 4, Dingell of Michigan Part D Amendment En Bloc No. 3743: Supporting the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug , H.R. color:white; padding-bottom: 5px; 184, Bice of Oklahoma Part D Amendment No. Yvette Herrell Voted NO on p rotecting workers. 7776, with an amendment. $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); This was a vote to pass H.R. 5, as Modified, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other programs, Lee of California Part D Amendment En Bloc No. } margin-bottom: .75em; Admission Act; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. .cftable { letter-spacing: 0.03em; Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. The 117th United States Congress began on January 3, 2021 and ended on January 3, 2023. PEOPLE OVER POLITICS Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. A scorecard evaluates a legislators voting record. } } font-size: 16px; height: 100%; Democrats assumed control of the Senate on January 20, 2021, when President Joe Biden (D) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D), who acted as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber, assumed office. 3, Ryan of Ohio Part B Amendment En Bloc No. REFORMING HEALTHCARE The Voter's Self Defense System - Vote Smart Condemning the horrific shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 16, 2021, and reaffirming the House of Representatives commitment to combating hate, bigotry, and violence against the Asian-American and Pacific Islander Providing for consideration of H.R. Launched in 2004, GovTrack helps everyone learn about and track the activities of the United States Congress. There were no incumbents in this race. } Subscribe to the Carlsbad Current-Argus. margin-bottom: 0px; .widget-img { 461, DeGette of Colorado Part A Amendment No. New Mexico is a rural state and Congress should act to protect the residents who reside outside of the large population centers. What is ours should be protected from the government or others who wish to strip us of our private property. font-size: .9em; 2, Scott of Virginia Part B Amendment En Bloc No. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { 2988) Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act; providing for consideration of the Drone Infrastructure Inspection Grant Act, To extend by 19 days the authorization for the special assessment for the Domestic Trafficking Victims Fund. [38],
Feb 21, 2023. width: 100% Release: In New Poll Gabe Vasquez Leads Against Yvette Herrell 3985, the Allies Act of 2021, and for Davids of Kansas Amendment En Bloc. 89, Crenshaw of Texas Part D Amendment No. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Sources: To modify and extend the Global Food Security Act of 2016. 395, Jayapal of Washington Part A Amendment No. .race_header.republican { There have been four Native Americans in the US . Crime and Law Enforcement (8%). Herrell's career experience includes working as a realtor[1][2] and owning and operating businesses. padding-left: 10px; Xochitl Torres Small defeated Madeleine Hildebrandt in the Democratic primary for U.S. House New Mexico District 2 on June 5, 2018. Page 1 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 chevron_right Expand All National Key Votes 12/15/2022 .leg-hnt-section-title { flex-direction: column; WASHINGTON - New Mexico's sole Republican in Congress, U.S. Rep. Yvette Herrell from New Mexico's 2nd congressional district, joined other House Republicans this week in objecting to . $('.pastResponses').hide(); Yvette Herrell defeated Claire Chase and Chris Mathys in the Republican primary for U.S. House New Mexico District 2 on June 2, 2020. .widget-row { background-color: #003388; Otherwise, try contacting your own representative: You are currently on the website GovTrack.us, which has no affiliation with Herrell and is not a government website. height: 56px; padding-left: 8px; Res. The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. Voting Record. margin-bottom: 4px; } else { break-inside: avoid-column; She's anything but a moderate, her voting record is 93 percent of the time with Nancy Pelosi, truly not conducive to the people of New Mexico. Veterans are a priority for Yvette and she will work to create new opportunities for the most vulnerable. $('.pastResponses').show(); Since the House moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill in an expedited process, it required a two-thirds majority vote in the House. .widget-row.Green { background-color: green; .percentage_number { display: inline-block; With the creation of the Space Force, New Mexico is an ideal location for this new branch to grow. Counties | $('#candidate-connection-email-112930').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); .results_row { 2499, Federal Firefighters Fairness Act; H.R. And starting in 2019 well be tracking Congresss oversight investigations of the executive branch. 7691, Additional Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 3522) Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act, and for other purposes, To direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization, and for other purposes, Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act, Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Authorization Act, Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act, Expressing support for Moldovas democracy, independence, and territorial integrity and strengthening United States and Moldova relations, Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act, Protecting Semiconductor Supply Chain Materials from Authoritarians Act, Assessing Xis Interference and Subversion Act, American Fisheries Advisory Committee Act, Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act, Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act, Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act, Ukraine Invasion War Crimes Deterrence and Accountability Act, Providing for consideration of H.R. .infobox p { The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. } Our public interest mission means we will never put our service behind a paywall. Its an open protocol, which means it does not have an owner using the platform We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. box-sizing: border-box; ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } 2062) Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act; (H.R. Res. 6833 (117th): Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 Mar 31, 2022 at 5:47 p.m. 79, Speier of California Part A Amendment No. 5585, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health Act; and H.R. 25, Tlaib of Michigan Part A Amendment No. .votebox { display: block; a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } Source. positioned according to our ideology score (left to right) and our leadership score (leaders are toward the top). border: 1px solid #999; 263) Big Cat Public Safety Act, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. } 14; and for other purposes, To designate the Federal Building and United States Courthouse located at 1125 Chapline Street in Wheeling, West Virginia, as the Frederick P. Stamp, Jr. Federal Building and United States Courthouse, To designate the Federal building located at 1200 New Jersey Avenue Southeast in Washington, DC, as the Norman Yoshio Mineta Federal Building, To redesignate the Federal building located at 167 North Main Street in Memphis, Tennessee as the Odell Horton Federal Building, To amend title 40, United States Code, to modify the treatment of certain bargain-price options to purchase at less than fair market value, and for other purposes, Preliminary Damage Assessment Improvement Act, Keller of Pennsylvania Part E Amendment No. 456, Neguse of Colorado Part A Amendment No. REDUCING THE COST.cfheader { border: 1px solid #a2a9b1 !important; .cftable th { Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act, Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission relating to Update of Commissions Conciliation Procedures, LGBTQ Business Equal Credit Enforcement and Investment Act. 8, Tlaib of Michigan Part A Amendment No. a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } Torres Small, Herrell unload dueling gun ads in congressional race With a consistent Pro-Life record in the New Mexico House of Representatives, Yvette will be a tireless advocate for the unborn in Congress. Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } } 4176, LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act; H.R. To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes. Join 10 million other Americans using GovTrack to learn about and contact your representative and senators and track what Congress is doing each day. 7100 (117th): They Had Our Back We Have Theirs Act of 2022. Yvette Herrell New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District Research Book July 2020 . clearInterval(nTimer); Please join our advisory group to let us know what more we can do. This means that the less that government is involved in the process, the better for our economy and jobs. Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell has sent a letter to the United States Attorney General Merrick Garland, calling him to end the DOJ consent agreement with the Albuquerque Police Department. Yvette Herrell, a Republican, was elected in November to represent New Mexico's Second District and joins fellow CN citizen Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Oklahoma, in the chamber. 4, DeLauro of Connecticut Part A Amendment En Bloc No. 1, Providing for consideration of H.R. H.R. Armed Forces and National Security (17%) Directing the Attending Physician to take timely action to provide updated mask wearing guidance applicable to the Hall of the House of Representatives and committee meeting spaces for Members u0026 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } During their three-and-a-half-hour work session Tuesday morning, Grant County commissioners signaled that Thursday's regular meeting could run even longer, due to a resolution put forward by District 5 Commissioner Harry Browne. }) font-size: 0.9em; 7666, Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022; Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act, Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act, Payne of New Jersey Part B Amendment No. 2617, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act; Durbin Feeling Native American Languages Act of 2021, Native American Langauge Resource Center Act of 2022. background-color: grey; There were no incumbents in this race. Democrat Xochitl Torres Small squeaked by Republican Yvette Herrell in the final results of the Nov. 6 election. 9640, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for examination and disclosure with respect to Presidential income tax returns; S. 1942, the Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { 1187) National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act. .top_disclaimer { 1, CW4 Christian J. Koch Memorial Post Office, Lance Corporal Marc Lucas Tucker Post Office Building, Command Sergeant Major Lawrence E. Rabbit Kennedy Post Office Building, Specialist Four Charles Johnson Post Office, Private First Class Barrett Lyle Austin Post Office Building, Rights for the Transportation Security Administration Workforce Act, Guest of Mississippi Part B Amendment No. Xochitl Torres Small Falls to Yvette Herrell in New Mexico - Insider Herrell represented the Alamogordo area in the New Mexico House of Representatives from 2011-2018. In what promises to be one of the most competitive U.S. House races in the country, Rep. Xochitl Torres Small and former state Rep. Yvette Herrell rejoin a bitter battle that went down to the. Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program Act. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6448, the Invest Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. Year Score Pro-environment vote Anti-environment vote.
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