The comma usage in the following sentence is correct as is: B. Correct APOSTROPHE usage? I want to smell the scent of the flowers. Of a ball stung by Joe Barone. C. contestant Previous See Answer Next Is This Question Helpful? Look at the example: Paul's house is very big. "Kansas's laws". So it was not impossible that I, B. Complete The Sentences Using The Correct Homophones Punctuation - Basic Reading and Writing - QuillBot Unnatural and without any moves, WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Other punctuation marks used alongside parentheses need to take into account their context. A kicking of feet, and the fit Utilise le pronom y pour remplacer les mots souligns. fat even as a boy, was on first, Omission The apostrophe is used for _______. The Hidalgos' son just graduated from college. Identify where the comma or commas should appear in the sentence below: We went to the childrens section of the library to find some picture books for my nephews O b.We went to the childrens' section of the library to find some picture books for my nephews OC We went to the childrens' section of the library to find some picture books for my nephew's Od. B. It was in an empty lot A) The childrens' teacher found Ms. Andersons car keys in the hallway. The company will upgrade ______ computer systems next week. Identify the following term or individuals and explain their significance. Which of the options below would most effectively revise the following sentence fragment? User: She worked really hard on the project. As college aptitude tests become more challenging and expensive, children from poor families become even more disadvantaged and despairing. Read the following excerpt from Dan Richard's "Digital Ethics": Netiquette, a hybrid word combining network and etiquette, essentially refers to the social code of the Internet. [Solved] Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of the apostrophe = 2 1/4. B. diction. 1. And there I was, He said he was not superstitious, but he carried a rabbit's foot for good luck. Discussion following each example explains why the use of one or more semicolons is an error, and revisions demonstrate proper punctuation. Apostrophes for Possession | English Quiz - Quizizz Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? Most of Denmark's citizens found it hard to accept the queens edict O c. Most of Denmarks citizens found it hard to accept the queens edict O d. Most of Denmarks' citizens found it hard to accept the queens' edict QUESTIONS Which sentence demonstrates standard use of an apostrophe to show possession? Some of the sentences are correct. Ron O'Neill, Jim, Dennis, were talking it up Beyond tone, a poet's attitude toward his or her subject reveals to us a poem's? In English you can use contractions to shorten a word by removing one letter or more and substituting an apostrophe in the same spot. The car's windscreen is foggy. represent something beyond itself, If I intend to achieve my goal, becoming an astronomy researcher, I must take a course load that includes high-level math and science classes. Groaning, "Oh my shin, oh my shin," User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Apostrophes Exercise Answers - Purdue OWL - Purdue University The boss's wife showed up unexpectedly. When using a plural noun, the apostrophe goes after the s. For example: "The squirrels' nuts were hidden in several hollow trees throughout the forest.". If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (especificativa; la que (o quien) es preferible despus de una Question: QUESTION 4 Which sentence demonstrates standard use of an apostrophe to show possession? "What a beautiful child! Capital letters and apostrophes | LearnEnglish -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. = 15 * 3/20 QUESTION 4 Which sentence demonstrates standard use of an apostrophe to show possession? 3 Examples of Incorrect Use of Semicolons - Daily Writing Tips On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. When showing possession, add apostrophe "s" ('s) to the "owner" word. QUESTION 1.pdf - QUESTION 1 Choose all the sentences with correct comma Which sentence demonstrates correct apostrophe use? This is a sentence fragment because it is a dependent clause and does not covey a complete idea. I believe it is yes because studies have repeatedly shown an association between playing violent video games and increase Choose all that apply. Peer Editing Sentences Teaching Resources | TPT Which sentence uses the apostrophe correctly? Because a large percentage of Americans cannot travel internationally, for reasons such as finances and time, the advertisers from Buenos Aires decided to focus their campaign in Germany, England, and France instead. Who'se in charge of the balloon drop at the carnival? 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Most of Denmark's citizens found it hard to accept the queen's edict O b. There are three methods of attracting earthworms from the ground: worm charming, worm grunting, and worm fiddling, Snake charming: the sport that is underloved. joycheskes. Apostrophes mainly indicate that letters have been omitted, or they show a noun's possession. This sentence consists of two independent clauses. As well, it focuses on commas in compound sentences, apostrophes, and end punctuation. Where is the cat? Some of our belongings were still in the suitcase, the rest of them were scattered. A semicolon is used correctly in the following sentence: Identify which of the following sentences uses a colon correctly. A. Snowboarding is a family affair in Hannah Teter's family, which includes her siblings and parents. - This one is correct, as it shows who owns the foot that he carries . How do authors reveal their attitudes, or point of views, toward a topic in argumentative writing? answer choices My wifes diamond's are the best in the country. Sea star's spines are made of calcium carbonate plates, which protect the creature from birds, fish, and sea otters. Is that Jake's umbrella, or is it your's? The Hidalgos' son just graduated from college. 5. The possessive means that you are showing that a noun "possesses" something, in other words, that something belongs to the noun. a). If no apostrophes are needed, mark the sentence "correct". Use the apostrophe with contractions. Apostrophe S - Possessive Nouns Woodward English -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Make sure you read carefully and answer all parts of the questions. There is a mispelled word in this sentence. = 2 5/20 Sea stars spines are made of calcium carbonate plates, which protect the creature from birds, fish, and sea otters. The Hidalgos' son just graduated from college. Is that Jake's umbrella, or is it your's? Focuses on the sentence completion question by offering practice in finding words in context. Apostrophes | Definition, Guide, Rules & Examples - Scribbr O a. a course load; researcher. Instead of saying "the house of Paul" in English we use the apostrophe S to show that the house belongs to Paul. Using Apostrophes to Show Possession - dummies (Don't = Do not; won't = will not) She can't drive because she's broken her leg. "This is Chris' book." "This is Chris's book." Both are correct. Apostrophe: Examples and Definition - He complained that the meeting wasted everyones' time. 20/3 D. commas. The lack of specificity allows flexibility; but the lack of clarity also makes certification less certain. Typically, it is identical in appearance to the comma but is placed at the top of a line of text or writing rather than the bottom. Answer. How is the possessive formed if the noun is plural and ends in -s? Your guess is as good as anyone's about Secretary's vs. Secretaries' vs. Most of Denmark's citizens found it hard to accept the queen's edict. For example, "Mary's lemons." (This is correct. Chuck Keller, Unnatural and without any moves, Operations Management questions and answers, QUESTION 13 Choose all of the sentences that demonstrate correct apostrophe usage. How does one use an apostrophe correctly, ensure that one understands what alibi really means, and avoid the perils of the double . And calling out in desperation things like My brothers wife is one of my best friends. Chapter 12: Learning, Memory, and Intelligence, Pre-Lab 09: Thermodynamics - Electrochemical, Pre-Lab 08: Thermodynamics - Heat of Neutrali, Pre-Lab 07: Identification of a Weak Acid by, Pre-Lab: 06 Titration of a Polyprotic Acid, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, AP Chemistry Practice Test Questions: Kinetic. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. What is the meaning of the editing term "stet"? And that was important, as important The comma usage in the following sentence is correct as is: Contractions. There should be commas after "company," "parents," and "friend". On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Using literal translations as guidance, define the following words without using a dictionary. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Ou\`{u}u est-ce que tu aimernis camper as Sngal? The childrens' toys were kept in the toy box. John did not understand his instructor's question. The underlined word in this sentence functions as A. We go to my grandmother's house every year for Thanksgiving. In the sentences that follow, the pronouns are underlined. Punctuation | Grammar Quiz - Quizizz Explanatory terms in a sentence are often enclosed by A. semicolons. I wish I could say my work is done, but I still have to finish editing. D) The firemans' helmet was black but not burned. The patient's blood pressure dropped to 100/62 mm Hg. Identifying and using apostrophes in contractions and possessives Choice A' and B' have failed to use apostrophe. exaggerate details for effect Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use - Weegy The following sentence demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe when expressing the possessive form of a plural noun: The Hidalgos' son just graduated from college. All of us writhing on the ground for one reason Suzette Conners' sweet potato pie was just delicious. A. Carlos is still in the mens' room. If the noun is singular and ends in -s, add -'s. Example: We are going to Jess's house. 2. Two strategies for dividing a pair of such . C. Carlos is still in the mens' room. The resulting word is shorter and faster to say, with only one syllable (sound) instead of two. If the parentheses enclose a full sentence beginning with a capital letter, then the end punctuation for the sentence falls inside the parentheses. And everybody peeled away from me Eng-Majorship - Top the board!! - SPECIALIZATION ENGLISH A REVIEWER FOR A. Lulu told Lola that Lochness needs a years work on his gum disease. Which sentence demonstrates the standard use of an apostrophe in a contraction? A) The bicycle is definitely theirs'. Yet schools still provide unhealthy, Choose the sentence that shows the correct placement of the modifier "only" to tell the reader that Tony doesn't like vanilla ice cream unless it is on apple pie. b.) I wish I could say my work is done, but I still have to finish editing Marias and Joshs report's. Gregory Djanikian Answer:The children's toys were kept in the toy box. Be careful not to add apostrophes to plural nouns that don't show ownership. Save. Evaluate your skill level in just 10 minutes with QUIZACK smart test system. On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below. On va manger salle. Is the following a sentence fragment, a run-on sentence, or a complete sentence? And dusting me off with hands like swatters, And though my head felt heavy, This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 1. = 15 ? answered Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe? In which one of the following sentences is the apostrophe used Try rewording the sentence and substituting the apostrophe with the word of. The circus had acts such as juggling tumbling and lion taming. Singular words, whether or not they end in s, are made possessive by adding an apostrophe + s. For example: a student's paper = the paper of a student one hour's passing = the passing of one hour 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. PDF APOSTROPHES AND CONTRACTIONS - Everett Community College The childrens' parents were nowhere to be found. Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe? Of water, or a hotel in the mountains, B. On peut y voir et y entendre de nombreux oiseaux. Apostrophe Rules: Easy Guide to Different Uses | YourDictionary B) The cats's toy mouse is in the basket. I fell back, D. The Hidalgos' son just graduated from college. Who is the speaker in Sandburg's "Grass"? A. II faw porter un pyjama et avoir une bonne moustiquaire. D. A conductor. If the noun does not end in -s, add -'s. Example: That is Tony's car. The childrens' toy's were kept in the toy box. The sweatshirt comes in the following: sizes small, medium, and large. Level 1, Punctuating Single Sentences focuses on building students' skills at punctuating single sentences. A. prize The Barkers are moving to the coast. Sentence B is correct because Lochness needs a year of work on his mouth. C. I spent it immediately. They're having a yard sale. Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket, You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. She said all of the donuts were her's. The audiences' applause was deafening. Only one sentence uses the apostrophes correctly. _____. I played on till dusk Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? A. I worked hard each day. Just off the plane and plopped in the middle a.) Un endroit magnifique avee de grands arbres et une belle vgtation. True or false? Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe? es - BRAINLY can you make this longer and wordier. C) The children's teacher found Ms. Andersons' car keys in the hallway. The childrens' toys were kept in the toy box. I watched it closing in to confuse\rule{1cm}{0.15mm}. User: She worked really hard on the project. D. sounds. It covers capitalization for proper nouns and sentence beginnings. 20/3 I couldnt believe it when I found out that I got the job! Despite parents and other parental figures going above and beyond to give their offspring all the required assets to achieve success. He said he was not superstitious, but he carried a rabbit's foot for good luck. Close observers will notice that, though sea stars appear to float, theyre actually propelled by tiny tube feet. As such, Alejandra is writing an introduction to her essay about the preservation of rainforest wildlife: Over the years, industrial activities like logging have been slowly destroying the homes of rainforest, David is drafting an essay about college hockey rivalries for a hockey-themed blog: Three years ago, the Boston University Terriers played the North Dakota Fighting Hawks in the NCAA tournament. When to Use an Apostrophe | Punctuation Rules & Examples | Ginger Take a look at some examples. When should I use an apostrophe to show possession? 12.12: Apostrophes- Posession and Contractions User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. A sea star is an echinoderm because it's body has five sections that are arranged around a central disk. Ron O'Neill, Jim, Dennis, were talking it up Banished to the outfield and daydreaming The kitten slept on the childs bed. c.) I wish I could say my work is done, but I still have to finish editing PDF Apostrophes Practice Quiz - "Hum baby" sweetly on my lips. Grammar: The Apostrophe and Colon Flashcards | Quizlet A) The bicycle is definitely theirs'. Grammar: The Apostrophe and Colon Flashcards | Quizlet In the field, a blue sky above them Lisez cette fiche conseil pour le camping nu au Sngal, puis rpondez a\`{a}a la question avec une phrase comple\"{e}ete. Tipped with cirrus. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. COM 101 Final Flashcards | Quizlet 2. Each question contains a sentence with a fill-in-the-blank space. It is used by those who would say "John Wells report" as opposed to "John Wellsiz report.") John Wells's report answer choices The students sitting in the front row are: Todd, Mark, and Steve. Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe? Which Sentence Demonstrates Correct Use Of The Colon Choose the simple subject in the following sentence: "The tallest contestant won the prize." Part A focuses on beginning capitals and choosing the correct end punctuation. Colons are not used to introduce __________. She has her mothers eyes." 2. Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to three Poor people do not want to stay poor forever or live in terrible conditions all of their lives, however, many are unable to rise above their circumstances. This peer editing rubric can be used when writing text structures including expository and persuasive. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. Alex's. A. Of laughter overtook me too, Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use - Weegy How to Say It Third Edition Choice Words Phrases Sentences and Growing fuzzier each time I whiffed. Banished to the outfield and daydreaming Now I know my ABCs'. Greece has many beautiful island's. They own several splendid house's. The two boys' friendship has stood the test of time Question 12 45 seconds Q. C. parentheses. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? Samuel wrote this passage. can you make this longer and wordier. Guides: Write Clearly: Punctuation: Using Apostrophes So it was not impossible that I, Thus, it makes the " The children's clothes are covered in mud" the best and the only correct answer. Confusing Possessives - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Of Williamsport, Pa. and a neighborhood game, If the noun is plural and ends in -s, add only an apostrophe. "Yours" and "take it," but doing all right, Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of In a contraction, an apostrophe represents missing letters. What Is An Apostrophe (') & How Do You Use It? | 0 points We go to my grandmother's house every year for Thanksgiving. Apostrophes Quiz Section 1: Possession Directions: Change "_____ of the _____" phrases into possessive noun phrases using an . B. major themes. Is that Jake's umbrella, or is it your's? Possessive apostrophes with singular nouns. Below are a list of common phrases and their contracted forms: It is: It's I have: I've You are: You're Cannot: Can't We are: We're Does not: Doesn't They are: They're Would not: Wouldn't I will: I'll When to use contractions There is a time and place for contractions.
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