The use of terminology appears to be consistent between chapters and is a strength of the textbook as repetition is valuable for student retention of a particular term or concept. Whenever the next update does occur, I would strongly suggest change the order of the paragraphs so Part 4 comes after Part 1. Also, the authors do not explain the Electoral College sufficiently as it relates to the 2 parties. Where is the concept of deterrence? The fully integrated print and digital content of United States Government: Our Democracy is grounded in solid pedagogy, strong authorship, and includes a full suite of thoughtfully designed teaching and learning tools.. Focus on big ideas with an accessible student text built around essential questions and inquiry. I did not see any grammatical errors while doing so. I did not see any clear grammatical errors in my review. I found it easy to adapt it to the different needs of my course. Question #55 61. Good, though for my purposes (I teach a graduate level policy processes course), some could be broken down differently for my use. I will admit, however, I could not get the hyperlinks to work. It also includes a chapter on State and Local Government. The book does a nice job of acknowledging racial injustice at the time of the American founding, including the Three-Fifths Compromise, as well as the importance of the Civil War Amendments in beginning to correct those wrongs (p. 63). Are the media an "it" or a "they?". Well written with solid organization, the chapters flow nicely together. Also, each chapter sticks to an identical structure. Pricing for school accounts will display in the cart once you are logged in. Comprehensive in terms of concepts and how they related to current ideas. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 PO 4. Students may find it annoying. However, the day after Election Day, this chapter will need an overhaul. Download Ebook Government In America 13th Edition Key terms are defined with appropriate detail in a glossary and the summaries serve to reinforce the material covered in each section. 1997. This text covers nearly all of the major topics covered in American Government texts. The textbook is written in a way that is easy to understand. The text is generally clear and easy to read, although it may err towards oversimplification is some places. This item: United States Government; Our Democracy, c 2018, 9780076681136, 0076681130. by McGraw-Hill Education Paperback . This means that our government is elected by citizens. References are balanced--not exclusively conservative or liberal--and include non-partisan resources.This text appears to be carefully edited and reviewed. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. Geared as a unit in t Digital Student Learning Center:Includes the full student edition and inquiry journal, plus engaging resources that provide context and bring the narrative to life such as maps, timelines, infographics, primary sources, images, and videos. read more. Develop strong critical thinking, analytical, and compromise skills with. The text is suitably consistent even though there are many chapter authors. I found the book well-organized and based on a logical structure. Concept 1: Foundations of Government . The deeper learning tools like Middle Ground and so forth allow the reader to learn more about a specific concept using a real world application and should provide the instructor with a ready-made activity that will more actively engage the student be it in an online or seated class. The text of each chapter does form a consistency. The textbook does not contain grammatical errors. Chapters are structured in reasonable ways. For example, when discussing the Boston Tea Party, the authors claim, "Today, many who do not agree with the positions of the Democratic of Republican Party have organized themselves into an oppositional group dubbed the Tea Party (41)." I wish the footnotes included links back to main text. It follows the standard layout of American Government textbooks and offers an effective and easily searchable index. 1. Democracy and government, the U.S. political system, elected This website is constantly being updated and improved. Certainly this could just be a matter of preference, and obviously an instructor can teach topics and assign chapters in whatever order they desire, but I am puzzled by this decision. Uses contemporary examples, but not in depth cases that may be needed in higher level courses. Go Go. Also, the hyperlinked notes provide a way for students who want to learn more about an issue. It includes many examples that students with a wide variety of backgrounds and characteristics should be able to relate to. Fourth, the idea that the winner-take-all approach to election is the reason for the two-party system is a conventional and weak argument, and there are no citations to back up the text (pp. The text's interface is similar to any American Government textbook and has clear charts, tables, and numerous features that are clear and unobtrusive. Although overall the text is quite comprehensive, one downside is that there are only two chapters on policy (separated into Domestic and Foreign Policy). Reviewed by Shawn Osborne, Instructor, Portland Community College on 8/21/16, As an introduction to American Government, the text covers the areas and ideas of the subject at a very comprehensive level. I liked the incorporation of the graphics, which will enable students to work on their graphic/data interpretation skills. This is not, however, a reason not to use the book as currently written and hope that it is appropriately updated in the years ahead. The text is written in lucid prose with technical terminology highlighted, defined in the text, and listed again in a glossary. Chapter 2: The Origins of American Government Given the nature of an American politics course, I don't frequently see my colleagues, nor do I, order concepts much differently than they are ordered in this book. These hyperlinks will distract the reader. United States Government: Our Democracy 2016, LearnSmart Social Studies Overview Flyer. It would also be helpful if the text came with bookmarks to the main chapters and subsections. Words seem arbitrarily capitalized (why capitalize Scalia and McConnell)? The textbook has clear images and charts. The graphics tables, charts, photos and the like are effective visual representations of important information and all appeared to display properly both online and in the PDF. Overall the book is balanced, but there are areas where things could be more even handed. It is one of the few textbooks that offers colored images in it. 1. I am seriously considering using this text the next time I teach introduction to American Government. It has begun. How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy The coverage of competing philosophies of Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint in Chapter 13, Section 5 nicely presents these approaches to novice readers. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Aleksandr Dugin. It follows the standard layout of American Government textbooks and offers an effective and easily searchable index. The professor can supply larger themes to the broader course and this textbook can fit nearly any theme with important and clear information on American Government. read more. Uses current issues as examples of concepts. The uniqueness of the American system is rarely mentioned (e.g., the fact that it has a presidential, federal system, with true separation of powers). My only critique here is substantial amounts of white space following some images which may distract the reader. I like the additional chapter on State and Local Government (Chap 14). The text was clear and devoid of any unnecessary jargon. United States Government Our Democracy Textbook PDF Book Details . However, each chapter is organized with clear and explicit learning goals and achieves everything you need from an American Government textbook. The material is easily divisible. The text features sophisticated and accessible prose. Tipping the Scales Toward National Power. Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s) Expansion and Reform (1801-1861) Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900) The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930) The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945) Of course, where to draw those lines is subjective and not all will see the value. Chapter 13: Constitutional Freedoms - Freeman Middle School The unit heading probably need more explanation and their rationale for selecting the chapters under each unit topic spelled out. Also helpful are the key historical moments "milestones" allowing a broader context viewpoint. Chapter 8 on the Media is the best chapter I've seen on that subject. This was an early indication of the accuracy of the textbook. Surely, it would be impossible to cover all the relevant material in this book, but its format does allow the instructor to be selective about the sections within each chapter to be emphasized. I had the choice of paying for my own copy or finding a small grant from my college to cover the cost. In short, more up to date statistics and graphics should be there. 3. There are sections in the textbook that resemble a history textbook. It is a well-written and solid introduction to American Government. The main framework chapters are excellent and thorough. This text is not culturally insensitive. Many textbooks cover these two topics together in one chapter and I believe that it may be easier to teach if there is dedicated material to each topic in separate chapters. Wish contents would take me straight to the chapter I click. Additionally, there is a strong foundation of accurate historical background presented, especially in the Constitution chapter that provides the background necessary for understanding. This Electoral College voting method is referred to as the district system." Reviewed by Heidi Getchell-Bastien, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Government, Massachusetts Bay Community College on 6/28/21, This textbook is perfect for my American government course that I teach to undergraduates at the community college level. I believe the language used in the text is entirely appropriate for an introductory college course on the subject. Below are the modifiedexcerpts that are assigned to you. While some textbooks do delve deeper into certain subjects (seemingly at random), it is good to see a textbook that offers nuts and bolts that will make it usable to nearly any instructor, allowing them ample room to discuss areas of their expertise without conflicting with the textbook. One of the strengths of the Krutz text; each chapter format patterns the same learning styles and methods. While I am echoing this notion from a previous review, I did find it to be true that Kurtz et al. margin-bottom: 1rem !important; In some cases, the additional or special chapter focuses on a specific policy area such as environmental policy or housing policy. Not much to comment on here. Has good index. The content is up-to-date including most of the Trump presidency, which is helpful for students' understanding and familiarity. Offers coverage of topics that most instructors would cover in such a class, including political behavior, civil rights/liberties, American political culture, and structure. This is the first time that I have thoroughly reviewed an open source textbook for potential use in a course, and I was impressed by the overall quality of the book. In addition, the reading selections are inconsistentsome are very long lists and others only include five or six books. All government textbooks have a tendency to show their age quickly, but this text may be more resilient than most. The text did not include culturally offensive material and seemed inclusive in its examples and discussion. The text is written in a way that undergraduate freshmen students would have no problem grasping. It even has a chapter on Local government and two policy chapters, Domestic and Foreign. The next time I teach American politics, I will definitely use this text. The chapters are subdivided into appropriate sections with relevant information with documentation given with charts, diagrams, references to Supreme Court decisions and stories from media sources. The textbook contents are organized in an insightful way, beginning with core foundational elements of the Constitution, federalism, civil liberties and civil rights. read more. Nice level of reading; grammatically correct. As a policy professor with professional experience in the field, I would be likely to use cases to follow up about how policy content accounts for those decisions in a process that includes policy actors (private and public)). Democracy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster There is a very broad selection of examples relating to variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds--the Civil Rights chapter is a good example. For example, could chapter 8 be divided into six or eight sections? One note of concern is that the captions thereon in many instances are not fully compatible for a text reader. However, when I went over each chapter in detail I realized that there is no consistency throughout the textbook regarding the film selection. The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive and it makes use of examples that are inclusive more than the norm. Includes pre-built and customizable tests and quizzes, with a variety of question types to provide critical practice for high-stakes assessments. Two points will be commented on here. The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world's oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., from October 1889 to April 1890. Finally, there is no sufficient definition of due process anywhere in the book. Students will develop an appreciation for the value of citizenship and civic . This is a particular strength of the text book from my view. read more. Student Edition: Focus on the big ideas with an accessible print student text built around Essential Questions and Inquiry. Maximize comprehension with the Reading Help Desk in each lesson to assist students with building vocabulary, cultivating reading strategies, and strengthening note-taking skills. Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, maps, and more. Develop strong critical thinking, analytical, and compromise skills with Debate and Deliberation features. Challenge students to "be the judge" in Supreme Court Case Studies; students will classify arguments, assign unmarked opinions and decide cases, apply precedents to recent cases, and conduct in-class moot courts. Customize the learning experience for differentiated instruction using leveled reading, customizable assessments and worksheets, and flexible online learning tools. Facilitate mastery of complex principles with dynamic digital tools. 5. The modularity of the chapters should allow the instructor to more effectively chunk material than most other textbook options. I didnt find any interface issues in this textbook. $47.96. 9. I am skeptical that instructors can get through 17 chapters in a normal semester, but the material is nice to have if desired. New Blasts are being added regularly; Spanish language Blasts are also included. The text is not culturally offensive, but I would like to see more sections or paragraphs that flesh out diversity and politics. However, the editorial voice of the textbook is less clear than some alternatives from commercial publishers. Reviewed by Jeremiah Castle, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/17/20, An innovative inclusion is that, in addition to the standard chapter on federalism, American Government (2e) also includes a separate chapter (14) on State and Local Governments. Excellent charts and interactive materiel. It focuses on the importance of community engagement and social responsibility among middle and high school studentscore themes in the Massachusetts 8th Grade History & Social Science Curriculum Framework. most of the chapters are pretty well self-contained and explain relevant concepts from other chapters so the student doesn't get lost. font-family: ProximaNova,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,Liberation Sans,sans-serif,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji,Segoe UI Symbol,Noto Color Emoji !important; However, all textbooks--standard or OER--face this issue. It even has a section on Civil Rights and Native Americans. Not a major issue for $40, but annoying. Accuracy is excellent, with essentially an unbiased and error-free content (and i do judge rather stringently the accuracy of historical content given I teach history as well). The writers were able to demonstrate intersections across time, incorporating themes that could easily be segregated in a single chapter. The term is derived from the Greek dmokratia, which was coined from dmos ("people") and kratos ("rule") in the middle of the 5th century bce to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens. I think it would be easy for me to pick and choose sections of the book to focus on and to present chapters in a customized order. Reviewed by Alexandre Couture Gagnon, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 10/26/20, This textbook covers the main topics of a course on American government. As one would expect from a 771-page book, at times there are minor issues. This textbook is perfect for my American government course that I teach to undergraduates at the community college level. The text is particularly impressive with its section on "Equal Protection for Other Groups" as it provides an exceptional overview of the challenges many groups have faced in the United States with thoughtful explanations of landmark Supreme Court cases and legislation impacting the struggle for civil rights. The text's clarity is excellent. text-decoration: underline; United States Government Textbook - Street Law, Inc. Reviewed by Elsa Dias, Affiliate, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 11/1/19, The textbook provides for a comprehensive overview of American Government. And finally, it contains both sections on individual rights and liberties as well as policy and bureaucracy. This usefully guides the reader and provides the shared language and conceptual understanding necessary for more nuanced, thoughtful analysis. It presents materials clearly. I think students would have an easier time digesting the information in this book than some of the other textbooks I have used. Those that do work, can take the reader away from the book and you can not hit the go back button. read more. The subchapters themselves are internal divided with separate headers, though this third level organization is not numbered. The accuracy of the content is reinforced by the textbook's frequent use of references, such as source citations, to articles, books, and studies. Issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, and class are addressed in appropriate ways. I think the flow of the book is clear, with different headings and images to explain the material. Reviewed by Gina Flakes, Adjunct Professor, Aiken Technical College on 5/24/21, American Government 2e offers a comprehensive survey of the core aspects of the US political system. The book is actually slightly longer and denser than other texts I have assigned for an introductory course in American I did not see too much passive tense. Most of the other chapters are in the 35 to 40 page range. LearnSmart with SmartBook adaptive ebook helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge. The images and charts used in the book help clarify the concepts very well. They examine these conflicts in our democracy by reading primary sources, summarizing based on textual evidence, and beginning analysis of multiple perspectives for text. The consistency and cohesion of the organization of the textbook is on par with all the other material on the market. Also, I believe that the material on Parties should be placed closer to the material on campaigns and elections. I have used it in my classes and value its comprehensive nature and the ease of access and affordability it provides for my students. font-weight: 400 !important; There is an additional chapter on State & Local government aside from the chapter on federalism - which offers instructors an option to discuss state & local government as well. Included is a Power Point and outlined note packet that is used to introduce the origins of government for a high school American Government course. In fact, the whole world pretty much looks democratic and thats not true. The text does not contain any grammatical errors. Important terms are underlined throughout the text making it easier for students to see the terms they should know for testing. They are usually a couple of paragraphs long and illustrate key concepts with practical examples followed by links to websites that have additional relevant information. I liked the Supreme Court and Electoral College Appendices, very nice additions beyond the usual set of founding documents. The importance of this document and the story of Shay's Rebellion are too often overlooked and they are covered well here. Create assignments for whole class or individual students. Overall the organization is quite good. I have detected nothing in the text that could be considered culturally insensitive or offensive. The writing appears to be objective and factually correct. Answer Key Chapter 2 - American Government 3e | OpenStax PDF Your Government and You Lesson Answer Key - USCIS However, on the library listing page, there is a typo in the index for chapter 17. For over eight decades, The United States Government Manual has been the "official handbook" of the Federal Government. 3. Straightforward comparisons with oligarchy and monarchy. The modularity is effective, though the order of the contents is the order I've been using for years, so I wouldn't have to make any changes.. Text is well written and provides adequate context for necessary political science terminology. [et al.] I found the textbook culturally sensitive and in no way offensive. Overall, all expected topics, and then some, are covered, hence the text is certainly comprehensive enough by any measure of expectation in an introduction to American government text. In my own courses, I am going to make up for this by assigning articles from CQ Researcher. Other critical concepts such as "security dilemma" and "domino theory" need to be introduced. Gerrymandering and redistricting is continually evolving. For many such students, the clarity in organization will further help clear any obstacles in understanding the political system. In my view, chapters four and five are stellar and provide alternative voices to the narrative. The beginning of each module clearly identifies the learning objectives and is organized in such a way that it can be assigned at any point within the course as the instructor sees fit. I find first and second year college students (the levels I teach) have limited attention spans with regard dense text no matter how articulately written. Otherwise, jargon is well defined and explained with the body of the text itself in such a way that material is accessible to the intended audience. The invitation to re-introduce discussion of governors, state legislatures, city councils, and other forms of sub-national government is much appreciated. United States Government - Holt McDougal 2011-02-10 The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America - Richard Rothstein 2017-05-02 New York Times Bestseller Notable Book of the Year Editors' Choice Selection One of Bill Gates' In this textbook, you will find a built-in structure that helps you identify the key concept in every lesson and see it in action. I found no appreciable errors in the textbook. I can see myself using this textbook in the future. Student Web Activity Visit the United States Government: Democracy in Action Web site at and click on Chapter 13 Student Web Activitiesfor an activity about constitutional rights. The text is consistent in its use of terminology. The content is presented in a way that scaffolds the reader's knowledge from basic understanding of the historical context and key concepts toward analysis, synthesis, and finally enables critical assessment of ideas. Reviewed by Alexander Cohen, Assistant Professor, Augustana College on 6/19/18, By the standards of Introduction to American Politics textbooks, this is a comprehensive offering. By breaking each chapter into sections, the modularity of the textbook itself is enhanced and should allow the instructor to break apart and/or chunk particular sections of interest. There are a number of instances where, as was previously noted, there are significant blocks of text in long paragraphs without subheadings or some other type of break. Other mainstream textbooks will generally issue an updated edition every few years to include the outcomes of new presidential elections. An easy example is seen in not grouping the federal bureaucracy in part 4 with the other institutions, instead placing it in section 5, the outputs of government. read more. I assume the work has been, and will continue to be, updated with each election. United States Government: Our Democracy 2018 - McGraw Hill The material progresses in a way that makes the most sense. Some texts may cover only one additional chapter other than the Also, I was disappointed that I requested access to the instructor resources a few weeks ago, but as of the start of the semester I have still not received access. Display features are intuitive and not confusing to the reader. While most of the narrative text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections, there are sections that go on for a page and a half of densely worded blocks of text that many of my first and second year students would find challenging in comprehension given that length. Each chapter offers an introduction, 3 to 5 written sections covering the topic, key terms, summary, review questions, critical thinking questions, and suggestions for further study. Analysis of political institutions is well-balanced with substantial attention to the role of the individual and collective action.
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