: a. Conformity Stage. b. a. d. Exhibited less innovative social action behavior. Genuineness, openness, sincerit, Eurocentric counseling practices:a. This training program provides tools, recommendations, and actionable strategies to assist project managers in dealing with complexities and ambiguities in their projects. Resistance and Immersion Stage. e. Both b and c. When counselors unwittingly impose monocultural standards without regard for differences in race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation, they may be engaging in: a. Fair and equitable practice. Believe that Asian American clients are pathological. Locate the source of the problem within the studentb. b. b. They generally take a long time to conduct.b. When differences exist between a client's view of a problem and the therapist's theoretical conceptualization, _____ dynamics . It is a matter of concern that clients from ethnic minorities are the most unlikely to use therapeutic services. Assumption of Criminality. Incorporating cultural values in the specific treatment strategies.c. d. Alternative helping roles are emphasized. A measure of the counselor's ability to shape the client's ideology. In examining the status of ethnic minority groups in the Los Angeles County Mental Health System and the effects of ethnic and language match, our study had some unique features. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: Haven't found what you were looking for? Schizophrenia a, Which of the following is true regarding Western forms of healing:a. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client The view that a "bad" child was destined to be that way is most likely to be foundamong:a. Asian Americans.b. Ambiguity in Psychotherapy: The Positive Role of Ambiguity Tolerance in Are more likely to occur when people pretend not to notice differences.d. Minority Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster - Dictionary by Merriam a. Perceive African American clients negatively. Whites have been s. ________________ interventions are increasingly promoted in social work,school psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, and psychiatry. d. What lessons can we learn from a better understanding of the psychological dynamics of microaggressions? a. The group level of human existence does which of the following in understanding human nature: a. Unequal and harmful treatment of women that is, Subtle sexism is:a. Unintentional or unconscious unequal and unfair treatment of women that isnot recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative.b. Hmm, we can't get our hands on that deck. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Susto.d. c. Are more likely to occur when people pretend not to notice differences. The term control ideology refers to: a. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders duringgraduate school. The more divergent the cultural attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are betweenclient and counselor, the more conflict may exist in the therapeutic relationship. Studies suggest that which two pathologies are most frequently found with refugees from Southeast Asia: a. Schizophrenia and Dependent Personality Disorder b. PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder c. PTSD and Major Affective Disorder d. Schizophrenia and PTSD. e. None of the above. Introspection Stage. Hispanic Americans.c. Most empirically supported treatments have been specifically demonstrated to be effective with ethnic minorities. c. Knowledge. b. Amok. A recent surgeon general's report and various studies document racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care, including gaps in access, questionable diagnostic practices, and limited provision of optimum treatments. Proxemics. a. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Conformity Stage.c. Brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to a target grouplike people of color, women, people with disabilities, etc.b. Revamping our training programs to include accurate and realistic multicultural content and experiences. Going to community centers.c. f. None of the above. What is true regarding the Naikan therapy?a. All Whites in society are not racist.b. b. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client While a Black American therapist may value sitting close to an Asian Americanclient in therapy, this client may feel the close conversing distance to be anintrusion of personal space. in disney cream cheese pretzel recipe. A culturally competent helping professional works to actively acknowledge andunderstand her biases, assumptions, and beliefs about diverse groups. Raising counselors' awareness of microaggressions e. All of the above. In evidence-based practice, selecting interventions occurs in the first session oftreatment. What is true regarding the case of Vang? What is problematic about the notions that stressing differences is potentially divisive? He has learned that endless waits are common in medical clinics.d. d. None of the above. In the Racial/Cultural Identity Model, the authors believe that the ____________stage continues to be most characterized by individuals who have bought intosocietal definitions about their minority status. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client d. Inequitable and injurious treatment of women by men that is conducted in an openly hostile manner. The genetically deficient model.d. It appears to be culturally conditioned.d. Western approaches to psychological treatment are often based on ____________value systems instead of the interdependent values found in many ethnic minoritycommunities. They do not know where to locate services. One's degree of comfort in an unfamiliar cultural. Invalidate the client. d. EC-ER. d. A measure of belief about the role of external forces in determining success and failure in society. 3.When and if the client brings it up. Behaviors such as asking clients how they would like to be addressed, showingthat their comments and insights are valuable, and tailoring your interactionaccording to their needs are ways of communicating ___________. Understanding your emotional reactions.d. c. Asian American. Strongly correlated with race, culture, and ethnicity.b. Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational may be perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as: a. Disrespectful. d. Counseling and therapy are at odds with each other and tend toward fabrication rather than addressing real issues. Multicultural Counseling Chapter 1-11 - AssignGuru In the United States, minority groups are unlikely to inherit biases anddiscriminatory beliefs toward other minority groups. EC-IR.d. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily underconscious control.b. c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to improve the life of only one family member. b. c. The genetically deficient model. Western society tends to value _______, which involves linear thinking. Intellectual competence.c. In 1971, Sue and Sue developed an early model of development, which was used to explain clinical differences amongst Chinese Americans. d. Scientific Empiricism. Proprioceptive.e. More often aspired to nontraditional occupations.b. Make clients feel they are not accepted unless they conform to others'standards.d. Child abuse.c. Negates important aspect of people of color's identity.b. Counselors have generally focused on individual or universal levels of identity while placing less importance on the group level because: a. U.S. society rose from the concept of "rugged individualism." Characteristics such as facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement,gestures, and eye contact are:a. Kinesics.b. c. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome. Acknowledge racism.b. If they don't do this, then mid-level leaders must become ambiguity absorbers in order to move things forward . Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. Nearly every disability advocacy group said that the Department's two-tiered approach strikes the proper balance between ensuring access for individuals with disabilities and addressing fundamental alteration and safety concerns held by public entities; however, a minority of disability advocacy groups wanted other power-driven mobility devices . d. All of the above. b. Undressing in public is a cultural taboo. b. d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. According to the culturally diverse model, the goal of society should be to recognize the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and embrace the advantages of biculturalism. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. d. None of the above. d. Awareness. A paragraph is a related group of sentences that develops one main idea. ambiguity: [noun] the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning. Some Asians believe that smiling may suggest weakness. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helpingrelationship?a. Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health as separate entities may expect. Multicultural counseling practice can be defined as both a helping role and process that uses which of the following: a. Unequal and favorable treatment of women that is conducted in a hiddenmanner.b. c. avoid challenging the values of clients. ch 2 proffession Flashcards - Easy Notecards Cultural adaptations can include factors such as: a. Diversity.c. d. Introspection Stage. Victim blaming.d. Increasing. d. A and B. d. Brief, extraordinary messages that send positive messages to oppressed groups. 8. Superiority in the treatment of ethnic minorities. IC-IR.b. Collectivistic cultural values.c. Hidden messages can seem innocuous while being distressing to the target. c. The realization that all individuals commit racist acts. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy?a. I am also interested to determine if genetic aberrations . In the Ruiz model of Latino identity development, the _____________ stage is characterized by feelings of shame and embarrassment about ethnic markers such as skin color, accent, customs, and so on. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily under conscious control. c. Resistant and disrespectful. A RESOLUTION. b. d. Physically fleeing the conversation. b. Genuineness, openness, sincerity, passivity. INTRODUCED BY CUTLER, FEBRUARY 27, 2023 . Nina Ma FRSA - Software Engineer - Microsoft | LinkedIn d. The therapy involves the ingestion of specific types of foods that are offered to the spirits. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Shame.d. In the Cross (1971) model, the last stage, ________________ speaks to thecommitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice, and civilrights.
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