The end is happier. And she keeps trying to tell me stories, Harry. You A spotlight makes its way across the letters on the board, finally settling at the end on the letter Z. 'Cause your life as you know it is ancient history. [the Trunchbull's car, sold to her by Harry Wormwood, has broken down, forcing her to haul it all the way back to her house]. You seem to think that people like people what are clever. When you turn the corner, when you go to your cubbies to get your smelly coats, when you skip merrily to lunch, I'll be watching you, all of you, and especially you. Matilda: You spend us into trouble and you expect me to get us out. She daintily reaches up and captures a figurine of a woman throwing the hammer.]. That's right, sir. [to MATILDA] You! 2. RUDOLPHO . Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty! MATILDA 2. A spotlight searches the theater. Just because you find that life's not fair, it . I need to talk to SOMEBODY besides our stupid kids! Hat seems to be, er . You don't have to cry, you don't have to shout . $5,000? I'll tell ya, six hours a day of school IS NOT enough. DOCTOR Well, I'd better hang around just in case. MRS WORMWOOD brushes past MATILDA with a sound of utter disgust. He got a C on his report! You're being pathetic! We can have our cake and eat it , Ah-ah-aah-ah A beautiful, beautiful little girl. The table stops and the hands hit the ground. Nobody but me is gonna change my story. And if you cry it will be (W) double. Aaaargh! How about this. MR WORMWOOD unwraps the blanket that the baby is swathed in. What?! That I'm as tiny and as shiny as a . I broke your arm once before; I can do it again, Jenny. Antibiotics, or . The vanity rises again, signifying morning. The CHILDREN, save BRUCE, but including MISS HONEY, hide under the desks. The moved into a beautiful old house at the edge of town, and in the evenings, they would walk and take the air. Agatha Trunchbull: MRS PHELPS is sitting on a block and MATILDA is standing on one, holding the two dolls. It was like the entire world went silent for that burp to exist. MISS TRUNCHBULL No kid likes being yelled at, but it was precisely Harry's ranting and raving that gave Matilda the key to her power. Amanda Thripp: MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO Stuff it in. [He sits down in a zen position.]. Matilda: The desks descend into the ground. Three judges hold up signs reading "10" as MRS WORMWOOD sits on the table. . She puts down the large block and MATILDA stands on it. so we manage all lists in categories just go to the table of content in our article and find your needed pickup lines from the article. He takes it and squashes it firmly down onto his head. The less you have to sell, the harder you sell it. ACROBAT [off-stage] Knock on the door, Jenny. MISS TRUNCHBULL They never stood a chance. For being a smart aleck! Mr. Wormwood: DOCTOR and CHILDREN Everything was arranged by [She pulls her coat over her head to simulate a hunchback, and grabs a large book.] That makes me so happy. Of course you didn't do it, you little twit! . "Lovely"? [throwing marshmallows as Matilda was grabbing the book that was thrown] 2. To fetch a pail of water. So innocent I asked a thousand questions. Can you spell? "There's more than one Whomping Willow at Hogwarts, you know.". Whoa! Starring: Alisha Weir, Emma Thompson, Lashana Lynch. You can use it even after you've hugged them once, too - but don't use it too much, or it will lose impact. A long table with the word "Birthday" emblazoned on it moves forward, with little hands creeping along the bottom. Matilda: The hat shrunk! LOUD! A person. And so, the great day arrived! "tomato"? Has my daddy told ya But not just to see their skill, but also to see their love for each other, which was so deep that it was said that cats would purr as they passed them, and dogs would weep with joy. Are you listening? <> . What've you done with his fingie? A little more bah-da, ba ba ba-da bom! I've often thought about it, but I can't abandon my children. Crush that little weasel! A curtain is wheeled in with the words "5 YEARS AGO" painted on it. Useless, flamin' car! But wrong. Wait, Dad, you're going too fast. Don't hide it under a bushel. "Come with me, and I'll show you why it's called the Shrieking Shack.". Mum says I'm a good case for population control. 2. We have everything . What do you think might be the cause of this? Oh, my good Lord. They then saunter off. Hup, two, four, free. Agatha Trunchbull: Wormwood! MR WORMWOOD No one's going to look if you don't stand out. It's very quaint, it's very sweet, Matilda: When I left my home, Aunt Trunchbull's home, I had to leave all my treasures behind. The other dancers and judges exit, leaving MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO in a dramatic position. Trunchbull: Harry Wormwood: Jenny : Quite the contrary. google_ad_width=120; Brand new stock, sir! I've had them since I was big enough to Xerox. Me, me, me, me. google_color_link="000000"; Agatha Trunchbull: [His stomach growls.] Not dressed in hospital cotton, Where'd all this come from? Don't be pathetic! [turns to Michael] MR WORMWOOD MRS WORMWOOD Yes. Do we want to do something that rhymes with "truck"? [She takes a mirror from the armchair.] . Spangly ribbons are strung across the stage. I sold it for $999. MRS WORMWOOD MISS TRUNCHBULL sniffs and licks the air. Matilda: Doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it. Okay, my boy, heir to the throne, today we diddle the customer. Lavender? MISS TRUNCHBULL There's a place you are sent if you haven't been good. From now on, this family does *exactly* what I say, when exactly, when I say it! I always compete, doctor. Matilda lies down and flicks off the light. When lights come up again, AMANDA is gone. so our main focus is on cute pickup lines, funny pick up lines, cheesy pick up lines, corny pickup lines, clever pickup lines, bad pick up lines, worst pick up lines, sweet pickup lines, and this list is . MISS TRUNCHBULL and CHILDREN Good-bye, Miss Honey. . See more ideas about pick up lines funny, pick up lines cheesy, pick up lines. This calls for a proper smoke. And today is a very special day: your first day of school! . MR WORMWOOD She re-enters carrying two square blocks, one larger than the other. LAVENDER Photographs of my mother and father, and a beautiful doll my mother gave me with a china face. Great, big, strong, scary woman she is. How dare they speak to me like that! Claiming that they know stuff we don't know. Then your mummy is a twit! But I shan't enjoy it, because of the despicable way in which you have spoken to me tonight. Write this down. All grown-ups get scared, just like children. Eleven times two is twenty-two. Mind? At night, they listened to the silence of their big, empty house, and they would imagine how beautiful it would be if it was filled with the sound of a child playing. RUDOLPHO You see, the Trunchbull's cake was so good that I'd scoffed it down too quick, and now it was beginning to fight back. You see, he fell asleep, and we put him under the coats for safety. four hundred and eighty-seven. My mummy says I'm a miracle, MATILDA No, not there! [He slides down on his thighs stage left.]. Agatha Trunchbull, principal, Crunchem Hall Elementary School. MISS HONEY Mrs. Wormwood: [she lunges the ball at the door, ultimately puncturing it immensely]. Did you hear what we said? Agatha Trunchbull: So they say. People don't like smarty-pants what go 'round You're a liar and a scoundrel, and your father's a liar and a cheat, one of the most corrupt lowlifes in the history of civilization! Agatha Trunchbull: Michael, pencil and paper, in the kitchen. My name is Miss Honey. Look at you trying to hide, silly. [He laughs then peters out.] Bruce! . You're a Wormwood, you start acting like one! Indeed, sir. I can see Agatha Trunchbull: Matilda: . My word is my law! Agatha Trunchbull: MISS TRUNCHBULL and CHILDREN If you don't, I will get you. Okay. Oh, my word, he's an ugly little thing. Narrator: [Matilda arrives home from school late at night after Bruce Bogtrotter's encounter with the Trunchbull] Jun 15, 2018 - Explore Kristin Wichman's board "Matilda quotes" on Pinterest. Absolutely, sir! Some rats are gonna die today. MATILDA sits down reading a book. One look at my face and it's plain to see. Merriam-Webster defines a "pick-up line" as "a prepared remark used by a person to start a conversation with a stranger they are interested in having a romantic relationship with". It was the age of wisdom . 19. You gotta get up! What about the Russians? [Daintily, straightening her collar, MISS TRUNCHBULL exits off the front of the stage.]. Oh, yes. CHILDREN Bunch of hippies and cesspool salesmen, ha ha ha ha Jenny: CHILDREN MISS TRUNCHBULL flails victoriously, then starts blowing her whistle. What have I told you about wearing pigtails? Agatha Trunchbull: What is the school motto, Miss Honey? . Amanda Thripp: . She rented it from this lovely rhubarb farmer for just $50 a month, and she covered it in honeysuckle, and she planted hundreds of wildflowers, and she moved out of her wicked aunt's house, and she finally got her freedom. Alternate Versions Matilda : I wonder what Miss Trunchbull is afraid of. 8. Please! Every new life My mummy says I'm a precious barrelina. MR WORMWOOD Matilda? "'The Burning Woman, Hurling Through the Air, with Dynamite in Her Hair, over Sharks and Spiky Objects, Caught By the Man Locked in a Cage', and it is the most dangerous feat ever known to man! There's another crime in the making, your car is about to run a stop sign. Might as well be saying you think that it's okay, Fifteen times two is thirty. Harry Wormwood: She says they make me look pretty! But here it is, coming true: I'll come in there and pound your miserable hide! Right. A shrimp. Two times . Restores my faith in human kind. When the hinges creak and the door is closed, What are you waiting for? An exception. Fourteen times two is twenty-eight. abilities. If I give the crowd their money back, where is my profit?! . But here it is, coming true: google_color_text="5F6A72"; Come on, move you piece of junkyard fodder! Sing, children. Agatha Trunchbull: He stands up on a block. BRUCE Yep! I can! A DOCTOR enters. Well, Matilda Wormwood. Narrator: Have another marshmallow, Dip face. Narrator: Don't just stand there like a wet tissue. Trunchbull: [insulted] MR WORMWOODOh, this is thick! You're just wasting enerGy, . And . [loses it, to Matilda] Just knock on the door. MATILDA, LAVENDER, and NIGEL raise their hands. . . A little less head, a lot more derriere. Matilda: . The novel has an inspirational message that everyone can stand up for themselves against bullies like Matilda does against Mrs. Trunchbull. Who the hell do they think they are? You might as well be saying you think that it's okay, MICHAEL sits on his lap. If you can't handle the little brat, I'LL LOCK HER IN THE CHOKEY! MISS TRUNCHBULL A girl should think about make-up and hair dye. That was only the first part of your punishment. . MISS HONEY enters and erases the board. Now sit up and look at the TV. [Miss Honey briefly nods yes as she leaves to rescue Matilda from the Chokey]. queens! Cause I had to slow down to take a second look at you. MATILDA enters from her bedroom. Find the bally line and toe it, My idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children at all. One times two is two. I'll be watching you, each and every one. There is a spotlight on BRUCE as he begins to talk. Daughter of Mr Harry Wormwood who owns Wormwood Moturs. This little girl needs somebody strong to fight by her side. It is said that we humans use only a tiny portion of our brains. I swear, I won't take our love for granite. and look at reading. For men. Whether you like it or not. [to the phone] I'm gonna call you straight back. They say she's lined it with nails, and spikes, and bits of broken glass. MATILDA You're a little cheat, you saw the paper. A little less fact, a lot more feel. Harry Wormwood: Your genius husband is going to sell them one hundred and fifty five knackered old bangers as brand-new luxury cars. And if you want to teach success, BRUCE Thank you for suggesting it. But I'm a barrelina Harry Wormwood: MAN: So hilarious. Kim . . Maybe. Before I first heard the pealing of the bell. [She wraps her hands around MATILDA.] You wanted cake, you got cake! Did we sell some cars today, honeydew? A denizen of the underworld! MAN: We'll have to change his school. . With powers, the carrot flies into his mouth. Hmm. A bell rings. Special guest towards the end. BIG KIDS Harry Wormwood: A little less flat, a lot more heel. Dinner time is family time. | And sailed high up, up above the stands MATILDA collects her books. Dip face! Now, eat it. MATILDA A member of the mafia! You'd better hide! That I'm as tiny and as shiny as a mirror ball. . You and I must be Weedles. Do you have a job? An extraordinary girl with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination takes a daring stand to change her story with miraculous results. 13. Maybe you used some of mummy's peroxide by mistake. You've seen one before. DOCTOR Harry Wormwood: As long as you dont know it with the volume up. I sold it for $1,158. MISS TRUNCHBULL MISS HONEY MATILDA 2. Matilda: Hm? MISS HONEY exits behind the stacks as the library scene rolls in. MATILDA Harry Wormwood: . Would rob them of their hope of living happily. If you want to throw the hammer for your country. Ever since the day doc chopped the umbilical cord, MRS WORMWOOD and MICHAEL down sit in armchairs. And another door closes. I still don't see how you glued your hat on, Harry. A long table with the word "Birthday" emblazoned on it moves forward, with little hands creeping along the bottom. And that's not right. Lights up. You MRS PHELPS When I grow up . Oh, yes. No one's gonna tell you when to shake your tush. That is a promise. . Oh, right. It's sweet and romantic, and it's doubtful she'll be able to resist your charm. Zinnia Wormwood: She sat down, and when she got up . Did you see all those packages outside? Look, I don't have time for all these legalities! Each newborn life a canvas yet unpainted, And do you tell them lots of stories like you do with me? WHY ARE ALL THESE WOMEN MARRIED? MR WORMWOOD A NURSE is holding a baby, which cries. MISS HONEY You are guilty, because you are a fiend. MISS TRUNCHBULL MISS HONEY You really don't know anything, do you? [asked to sign Matilda's adoption papers]. Just write. The less you have to show, the louder you dress it. MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO No. 100 Best Pickup Lines for Girls That Actually Work | by Qasim Adam | ILLUMINATION | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. A little less brains, a lot more hair. MISS TRUNCHBULL [after Matilda destroys the Wormwoods' TV with her powers] Knock on the door, Jenny. [TV Version] Bruce! And that's not a hint, by the way. MISS HONEY. I live in a cage, Harry! MISS TRUNCHBULL MRS WORMWOOD puts a number on RUDOLPHO's back as though they are competing in a dancing competition. What? . Smile for mummy, smile for mother. Yes. With an owchie . Mr. Wormwood: Matilda turns around and carrot is facing her. . [She grabs a baton with a yellow ribbon attached to it and starts twirling to the music.] And as time passed, they grew quite old, and still they had no child. And expensive, $9.25 for a bar of soap? it isn't fair! And it isn't wide enough to sit. Matilda, isn't it? MATILDA holds her a dramatic pose, holding the large book above her head. Yes. . Miss Honey: . I didn't go to college. Agatha Trunchbull: I'm competing in the Bi-Annual International Amateur Salsa and Ballroom Dancing Championships in Paris. Am I . Adopt me, Miss Honey! MR WORMWOOD What do I have to do to gain respect around here? If you were six-and-a-half, you'd be in school already. Yes, yes. . MISS TRUNCHBULL takes BRUCE by the wrist and leads him off the front of the stage. What is this trash you're reading? [Harry walks down to the kitchen, unaware that his hair has just turned an unhealthy platinum blonde] Oh, my good Lord! Three times two is six. "Escapologist", he says! You? [wielding a hammer throw] That was Miss Honey. have you read a whole book? Look at that! This miracle . I . Loud, loud, loud, loud! Trunchbull: [Harry and Zinnia are leaving the hospital with the baby]. CHILDREN 2 All I can say is, thank heavens Michael has inherited his old man's brains, eh, son? Jenny: Snickerdoodle, what did you do to your hair? You've not got the spine. MRS PHELPS enters. Four judges in outrageous costumes sit behind it. DOCTOR It was the biggest burp I had ever heard, the biggest burp I had ever heard about. MATILDA stands at the front of the stage as her classmates walk in and the desks rise from the ground. See how my trophies gleam in the sunlight? BIG KID [TAYLOR] . I? What can I do? "Fair" does not get you anywhere, you thickheaded twit-brain! We're rehearsing. MISS HONEY faces the audience and raises her fist. NIGEL leans forward in concentration and groans in agony several times. MATILDA The 3rd cost $68. . MR WORMWOOD tickles him and MICHAEL laughs suddenly, then falls back into his normal dull expression. [sometimes, to be in time with the music: Well? [:g-] It was the biggest burp I had ever done. It occurred to her that such talking dragons and princesses with hair long enough to climb such people might *only* exist in story books. Wonderful. But if you did happen to have a story you wanted to tell . . MRS WORMWOOD ". Stop. Take another picture of our angel from this angle over here. She'll call a truce, Bruce. [She flicks on the light of the vanity in her parent's bathroom, which has risen from the stage. [She re-enters her bedroom and jumps onto the bed.] [hands the car drill to Mikey, then walks to Matilda] Not even when the hammer left my hands "It is called," said the husband, announcing the event to the world's press, who had gathered to listen with bated breath [The voice of the ESCAPOLOGIST echoes her words.] Is she here? His do-dah. Ahh! Dad says I should watch more TV. Of course they didn't believe me: I've got green hair! Finally, he grabs an individual page in glee. Oh, my head! And . "Just when I catch my breath, you turn around and make me lose it again." Any woman would be flattered with a remark like this. Just knock on the door. BRUCE wilts by the desk. That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. . My daddy says I'm his special little . MR WORMWOOD
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