And Michael's like, no, no, they'd remember. And I, I was glad we only had to do it for one day. JENNA [01:02:25] Well, when the finale happened, a bunch of us went to Scranton for a big parade. Some of my favorite moments from this show are the pranks that Jim pulls on Dwight and the stupid stuff he gets him to do. ANGELA [00:54:48] So they went with that one. It made me laugh on the day. I did not understand any of that. ANGELA [00:53:51] I'm filming it. sothis episode was worth waiting through the Olympic coverage! Europe therefore, with the exception of Portugal, Switzerland and, for a little while yet, Greece, is all outside the orbit of Britain and against Britain. JENNA [00:21:01] So, you know, when Jim says he just wins a Cugino's pizza. That was an improvisation. I just like the idea of like some kind of reality championship where I can have beer and like a slice of pizza while doing my activity. JENNA [00:57:29] No, I don't think so either. But I think he never took the trip. JENNA [00:02:20] Guys literally. Maybe some people dont like it as cold as I do. Eventually Dwight comes out and he finds him and he starts telling him a story about. Creed". She says she she's feeling under the weather. JENNA [00:47:06] Well, when Dwight leaves with Michael, Angela shouts, "The very best of luck to you, Dwight". JENNA [00:32:10] Well, we had a fan question from David Hertwhack. JENNA [00:05:45] And so the wranglers really moved them around a lot. ANGELA [00:12:11] I don't. JENNA [00:56:54] He really is. Then he goes to Jim for advice. So now we move on. JENNA [00:16:54] And I had thought to myself, did I need to be here for the two hours of that rehearsal? During that brief period of time we faced and overcame exceptional difficulties. So I've also stayed there and I concur. TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL. Pam continues to plan her wedding, while Jim schedules a vacation. stream In "Dwight's Speech" from The Office, Dwight gives an acceptance speech [0:30-2:30] for winning Dunder Mifflin's Top Salesman of the Year. OFFICE LADIES | EPISODE 23 - DWIGHTS SPEECH. It's like a bun, but it's like a braid that goes like zigzags back and forth. Fifth, the morale of the Axis people is infinitely superior to the morale of the British people. ANGELA [00:53:06] They wanted it, for the audience to be unsure whether Dwight was gonna be a hit or not. Meanwhile, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) plans a vacation to avoid Pam Beesly's (Jenna Fischer) wedding. It killed. JENNA [00:19:09] That part wasn't planned. ANGELA [00:49:08] "Y'all ready for this"? The ball goes super slow. Dwight was named "Salesman of the Year" and had to give a speech. Wu?~C=,)qpI>Jn a#$yxhbb!9 kka2p {6{t*C9AZs#&AjA?vl=A?v pEA9 TzU&$$JANkgqPg~4!=k1 kK?60WEh+c6g9@N.pF>yr$%W9Me}mGv6| 5._!Qc[PKC2U%cx0- WVRPL[> C\[CeR(9qlK\KgWZ=LrPZJEAy>-=xHIc=b#>FG^l Vsr aM0Ve VWf=%e38@r2\y]$|{%-yyU+%18@BY[^{w ~kRsPUPD8 M-r- ANGELA [01:01:57] The hotel in the show is supposedly the Radisson at Lackawanna Station Hotel. When Pam tries to tell Ryan how Kelly feels about him, he coldly says, "I know what I said.". Dwight Schrute Nearly Took Us To The Farm Conclusion Dwight Kurt Schrute III is a character in the series, the office, portrayed by Rainn Wilson. The football opening was pretty sweet. Yeah. I woke up Wednesday morning and I got a call from our second A.D. and they said, "Angela, the hotel's been canceled. And I swear, John has this. Rome comrades! ANGELA [00:36:16] There's also a deleted scene. In that talking head, later in the conference room scenes. So everyone in Canada got to see this one day early. We cranked it back up. Italy, December 11, 1941", "Report at a Joint Session off the All-Russia Central Executive Committee: The Moscow Soviet, Factory Committees and Trade Unions", "The Office Seasons Season 2 Episode Guide", "Mar. ANGELA [00:26:31] A can of something. In Creed's talking head, he says, "" ("Hello, my Chinese friends") in an accent so thick it is practically unintelligible. JENNA [00:11:51] Yeah. I had to look like I was being incognito, but you had to be able to see my face. So I text to Creed. ANGELA [00:29:29] That's so cute. I thought BJ was very cute in this episode. He talks about a cd burner. Kimberly Guilfoyle Mocked Mercilessly For Her Shrieking Screed At The Here he is, Angela. BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! It was like a, one of the very first digital video recordings where you could record your show. Stop public interrupting me". JENNA [00:59:22] Oh, I know why. She atarts, it's you know, Michael wants everyone to get up and sort of say a toast. I don't remember. We boast that we are not like them. And then also why is he chosen to chill a plaque? So they were like the sweatiest. And we're breaking down an episode of "Dwight's Speech" from "The Office". You could be a little bit more sensitive. Like I remember when it came time for lunch, like the catering was way, it was like Sergio plus all these other extra guys. Unless-and it is possible-these countries, where already something is fermenting, do not Teach their independence once the metropolitan area is conquered. So, yes, they do have irons and ironing boards. It was me against Raj Patel. But I didn't know. Salesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania I ask you; once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour! So there were there were only three cast members that went to the convention and it was, you know, Rainn. But I do thank you for writing in. JENNA [00:00:48] I know, like three sentences in. The collaboration offered by the Fuehrer and that which the German air and armored units are giving in the Mediterranean are proof that all fronts are common and that our efforts are common. What was his response? Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Because if they say no. ANGELA [00:13:08] And then I try to look at that and then I roll it down. JENNA [01:04:52] Oh, boy. ANGELA [01:05:08] All right, you guys. JENNA [01:03:24] Her wedding is June 10th. The Office Season 2 Episode 17: "Dwight's Speech", About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. He says he went there after his divorce for a week or maybe a month. Dwight's Mussolini speech as Mussolini Fantastic Filth 138 subscribers Subscribe 1K 50K views 5 years ago Dwight's Mussolini speech from The office! It is implied that Michael has never been to a wedding in his adult life despite being in his 40s. JENNA [00:49:31] That's right. Occupied France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg are, like the Scandinavian and Danubian worlds, within the orbit of Germany. Jim: What did I do to deserve this? ANGELA [00:42:03] And I just sort of gave myself this backstory that he had probably practiced this in front of me, that we had worked on it together. ANGELA [00:35:32] And then she's like, this is because of Jen Aniston. And I'm wearing a hat. No, I was always cold. Copyright 2023 OfficeTally. ANGELA [00:20:21] Well, this was, TiVo was a game changer. So-. ANGELA [00:15:27] Who is standing by accounting. In the Mediterranean Italy is allied with a friendly Spain. Dwight begins telling the staff a sailor joke, but Meredith stops him because her nephew is serving in Iraq. And the finale of "Skating with Celebrities" was at the same time as this episode. He went almost butt overhead. JENNA [00:57:42] Yeah. You mean just Mindy? Can you believe that? All right. Pam: I have a ton of stuff to do for the wedding, and I have to do it in the office. And then one of those two squares? However, in Canada, it aired the day before. I don't know what that is. He's got a mirror. JENNA [00:26:25] Well, he also has Pepto Bismol, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste and a can of something. I remember from the table read that that killed. An extended scene of Michael's unfunny and extremely awkward speech. Does you know what I'm saying? And he looks at you and he's like, I know what I said. They've had these moments now. ANGELA [00:47:01] It is it, but it is a hodgepodge. But I can totally see the between the lines theory. Well, now you can compare airline prices online. ANGELA [00:57:14] I sort of felt like he never took the trip because he he just ends up transferring jobs. JENNA [00:42:43] I just like that all of us all the time. Kelly hints to Ryan she'd like to get married, but Ryan hurts her feelings by saying he doesn't ever plan to get married. He also has to give a big speech at the convention. Michael: Its a joke, Dwight, not a sex ed class. Jim, upset at having to hear wedding planning at Pam's desk, calls a travel agent and arranges a trip to Australia. And so we answered that question. Doom. Ryan describes how he hopes to land a "challenging full-time or part-time position somewhere else." ANGELA [00:12:51] I, it's still really fun. Dwight runs over in only the way that Rainn Wilson would do. But in the conference room, Dwight is going to now do his speech for us. I've blown up my voice already. The hardships, suffering and sacrifices that are faced with exemplary courage and dignity by the Italian people will have their day of compensation when all the enemy forces are crushed on the battlefields by the heroism of our soldiers and a triple, immense cry will cross the mountains and oceans like lightning and light new hopes and give new certainties to spirit multitudes: Victory, Italy, peace with justice among peoples! Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! And I feel like you can see John about to break. I think that'd be pretty hard. It's pure evil. It's like flipped. It had its moments. JENNA [00:52:02] You have to hate this speech. They'll conjure up images of used car dealers, and door to door charlatans. It used to be a train station. A thousand guys. I'm going to do my summary, but I'm gonna do it real gentle. Kate and I. I mean, Pam, if Pam had any doubts at all that this was hard on him, she can't deny it anymore. After Dwight's failed announcement, Michael tries to find a joke "that not even you [Dwight] can ruin." JENNA [00:06:25] He said that we did 47 camera setups in a 12 hour shoot day. ANGELA [00:00:50] "Thanks, I was driving when you were like, 'Good morning, Office Ladies!'". This mystic tan that lasted like three weeks. However, at 14 minutes, 19 seconds, there is a shot of the audience. The speech, oh my gawd the speech! ANGELA [00:43:41] But one of the places he would like to go is New Zealand because he wants to walk the "Lord of the Rings" trail to Mordor. See if you agree. They absolutely must not be confused or contaminated by the minority or well-known poltroons, anti-social individuals and complainers, who grumble about rations and regret their suspended comforts, or by snakes, the remains of the Masonic lodges, whom we will crush without difficulties when and how we want. So there are clothing optional sections of the resort and then there are nude sections. Like people were not like hooting and hollering. ANGELA [00:45:51] . We planned this out like superduper. "[7] During the meeting in the break room Dwight references Good Morning, Vietnam. Not Mandarin. Dwight: What if I give a really long extended thank you? JENNA [00:39:26] So I mean, I think that that is an important thing to know because where would you put the money? JENNA [00:22:32] Well done, John Krasinski. Could we Fascisti leave without answer that cry and remain indifferent in the face of the perpetuation of the bloody crimes of the so-called popular fronts? Ryan brings Pam the wrong type of stamps for her wedding invitations. Who would you vote for President: Dwight Schrute or Creed Bratton ANGELA [00:11:04] Who was on "Skating with Celebrities"? ANGELA [00:59:56] And it's it's like a just some random convention. I think he was really trying to power it out and then his body just couldn't. JENNA [00:39:39] Not a problem. Dwight Schrute Inspired Valedictorian Speech - YouTube ANGELA [00:22:34] Jim Tongue twister. And then they go into a second room and it's like all of these cosplay people who are dressed like characters from things. ANGELA [00:24:24] He's negative. ANGELA [01:03:25] I mean, this is so telling. So I do remember that. ANGELA [00:22:26] But how did he get it all in like one sentence? ANGELA [00:49:51] Yeah. ANGELA [00:27:22] That is fantastic. Several people compared Guilfoyle's time at the mic to Season 2, Episode 17 of The Office, "Dwight's Speech" the one where Dwight wins the award for Dunder Mifflin salesman of the year and . JENNA [00:44:10] How can you not describe it? Kelly: This is karma, because of what he did to Jennifer Aniston. The beginning of the episode and then the day this was scheduled. In one of Jims talking head segments, he shows a printed page of a speech given by Benito Mussolini. Kelly: Oh. ANGELA [00:43:30] Of course I did. Americans who will read what I say should be calm and not believe in the existence of a big bad wolf who wants to devour them. I come really close to getting a strike. "You really think you're gonna go? I will meet my new challenges head-on, and I will succeed, and I will laugh in the faces of those who doubt me. I mean, I'm not I'm sort of a major celebrity, but. I'm cringing. ANGELA [00:12:46] Is that a reference for your butthole? It's a safe, Angela. JENNA [00:07:10] So we just explained to you everything that went into planning this work day. JENNA [00:05:39] He mentioned that Charles McDougal was really worried that you were going to see these dummies. See you next week. The Office fansite for NBC's hit comedy, The Office. Season: 2 Episode: 17 - Dwight's Speech Michael coaches pompous Dwight on the finer art of public speaking after being named as Salesman of the Year. ANGELA [00:04:46] I mean, that is crazy town. Dave Coulier, Debbie Gibson and Todd Bridges. But meanwhile, Pam is doing wedding prep at work in front of Jim. All right. (More applause, then Michael sneaks out while Dwight laughs maniacally.). So why does Dwight want to go there? ANGELA [00:16:59] That's what I thought. ANGELA [00:23:44] Look what I wrote on my card. Why are we looking at you? That's the band. A little bit. ANGELA [01:01:18] So I guess I guess then Rainn and Steve improvised this whole thing that it was like a cosplay convention. Jim: Dwight was the top salesman of the year at our company. It was written by Paul Lieberstein and directed by Charles McDougall. We have actually been at war since 1922-that is from the day when we lifted the flag of our revolution, which was then defended by a handful of men against the Masonic, democratic, capitalistic world. JENNA [00:39:36] Don't worry about where you're carrying the extra cash. JENNA [00:00:56] NPR voice. "Dwight's Speech" was directed by Charles McDougall, making it his second directing credit after the earlier second season episode "Christmas Party". ANGELA [01:00:10] And Dwight's like, oh, I wish I wanted to go to this. JENNA [00:39:33] So don't don't let it stress you out. When the war is over, in the worlds social revolution that will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earths riches, due account must be kept of the sacrifices and of the discipline maintained by the Italian workers. And, and they were so great about sort of finding those moments and making sure that everyone saw them. And he gives them a copy of Mussolini's speech. JENNA [00:56:23] Yeah. JENNA [00:50:04] So Michael runs up on stage and. Just like Jim and Pam made sense to to me when I read that relationship. Oscar says that he purposely gets to work early to set the thermostat at 66 degrees. I'll give you advice. JENNA [01:00:24] Okay. There is a great deleted scene. And then I will hike Mount Doom. So now we move into the conference room and Michael is ready to start giving Dwight some speech training. They're not worthy of the mini-fridge safe. This happens in all wars, in all times. Share the best GIFs now >>> ANGELA [00:28:52] Yeah. And then Pam is like, you know, she likes you. JENNA [00:25:24] Yes. Michael will use the same conclusion when he loses a sale to Danny Cordray and convinces him to work for him in ", Dwight comes to work wearing sunglasses and tries to get Jim to complete the sentence, "My future is so bright". We don't know what they are going to say. We must recognize this. And you're like, "Yeah, it doesn't really matter". Let's get started with this episode. People might think Ryan was the jerk of that scene, but it was definitely Pam. ANGELA [00:26:44] Two mounted plaques. First, in war potentiality Germany not only did not decrease after seventeen months of war, but increased in gigantic proportions. The intent was for them to be gradually won over. JENNA [00:19:51] Yeah, it's the same as what you have now on your direct TV or your cable. This will never happen. Michael takes solace that Dwight's speech was better than his by concluding that in being able to entertain him, he was the better speaker. I'm like going, fighting the kids for their balls. Between the decision and the start of action there was a delay of only two days. Speaking of hidden moments, how many of you noticed that it was Angela who was filming Dwight from the back of the convention hall? This isolation pushes her toward the United States, from which she urgently and desperately seeks aid. He said, was Rainn Wilson sick during this episode because his voice sounds like he might have a cold. Angela, I got like, what is that? They pulled Leslie up and Oscar goes, "Oh, my God. Dwight's Mussolini speech as Mussolini - YouTube Everyone. This is our duty to change their perception. Although this scene is meant as comical (Jim pranked Dwight into taking lines from famous dictators), we can still analyze Dwight's delivery. JENNA [00:44:50] Why would you want to go there? ANGELA [00:19:56] But we didn't have that. But in Canada, they both aired on the same network, this global television network. Usually like four to seven takes per camera set up. ANGELA [00:28:24] By the way, that's the smartest Meredith was written in the whole series. And he's like, "Yeah", and he hands them to you and you're like, "I wanted the love stamps, you know, the love stamps". Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we have been at war. The German victory was facilitated by Italian non-belligerency which immobilized heavy naval, air and-land forces of the Anglo-French bloc. There was a real science fiction convention going on in the hotel, and the show incorporated that into the story. Our producer is Codi Fischer, our sound engineer is Sam Kieffer. So now we go to Pam's talking head and she says, listen, I just I have to do my wedding planning at the office, you know? But I think he got knocked down and then got up and was like, "Nope". And Jim decides, you know what? Thanks so much for tuning in. ANGELA [00:49:18] It's by 2 Unlimited. In the same period were sent 1,924 cannon of all calibers and many of them of recent construction and model; 15,386 machine-guns; 11,000,000 rounds of shells; 1,344,287,275 bullets for light arms; 127,877 tons of engineers materials; 779 tanks with a certain percentage of heavy tanks; 9,584 auto vehicles of various kinds; 4,809 motorcycles. In the speaking exercise, Phyllis toasts to her good fortune for having found a man she is in love with. Good episode, good speech. Here are some things that might help you in your speech. And I remember that the audience, the the extras, the 400 extras kept getting tickled at Steve. eE\|?xjF]oqgl @M+m?s24oG lt ltEx#0 "RSJk!8*vXrOKc?n8b C%uF1'MKz`!38?qb],Oi(#6a ANGELA [00:49:16] We're watching the music video. ANGELA [00:15:50] It wasn't really in the script that he was going to shove Leslie. "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", I think. JENNA [00:52:20] And we had a few fan questions. And Michael says, "Pam, I'm public speaking. Yes, I know. Not less heavy are the losses we inflicted on the English. He'd be like, here's your fitness orb budget. Now, let me break that down for you guys. Today this is a broken weapon because, from being a blockading nation, Britain became blockaded by the Axis air and naval forces and will increasingly be blockaded until catastrophe comes. Dwight goes out into the bullpen. JENNA [00:33:40] Cause Dwight says, can I just have a copy of your speech? [0 0 612 792] >> I was like, "Yeah. Salesmen of north-eastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more: Rise and be worthy of this historical hour! And he's really nervous. I wouldn't think that you could catch it. They're all like, what? He reminds of a litle kid which is so cute. And that's where the whole cast stayed. So that's the hat that we went with. On land and sea and in the air it is the final battle that counts. I love that. Charles McDougall. ANGELA [00:41:34] This is Creed. ANGELA [00:02:08] It got serious. All right. ANGELA [00:10:02] The dummy wranglers. Like our wing and the guys in the I.T. Dwight says at one point that he lost a spelling bee to Raj Patel when he misspelled the word "failure". ANGELA [00:36:40] Phyllis gets up and she's like, "Well, you know, I'm having one of the best years of my life. But he said, I do have a made up language that I've been trying to get accepted. In an excerpted chapter from 'Conference Room, Five Minutes,' Shea Serrano's new digital collection of . JENNA [00:05:56] "The Dummy Wranglers". ANGELA [00:49:46] She's coughing and sniffling. Woron? And they took pictures of me in the hat and they showed them to, you know, everybody involved. At nine minutes, 57 seconds, my character smiles. JENNA [00:59:00] I do, too. Neutrals of every continent who are spectators at the bloody clashes between the armed masses must have sufficient shame to keep quiet and not express libelous provocative opinions. ANGELA [00:42:19] So I just had this little thing I gave myself. We had 400 extras. Dwight's speech, which was possibly written entirely by Jim as a prank, is derivative of speeches given by historical dictators. Jim is irritated, which fuels Dwight and Michael. Am I wrong? (Both nights!). And-. Watson. I found the fact that Jim was setting him up to be much more funny than the speach itself. Although they were not recorded, the dialogue was very detailed. JENNA [00:25:39] Yeah. JENNA [00:10:20] And I found this charming. Did you understand? That was "Dwight's Speech". Wallpaper the ceiling if you want. JENNA [00:40:53] No. But, yeah, I mean, the other thing, too, you should know is that Rainn really didn't want to miss work because he knew how much went into that day. ANGELA [00:31:23] 66. Second, German armaments are in quality and quantity infinitely superior to those available at the start of the war. Angela and Dwight is talking all about, the, he's going to go to New Zealand. You get some great quotes out of those scenes. And we stayed there as well. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . JENNA [00:49:36] He's having a minor panic. ANGELA [00:22:10] "It is literally the highest possible honor that a northeastern Pennsylvania based mid-size paper company regional salesman can attain". ANGELA [00:02:27] I also own a sweatshirt that says "Always cold". SAM [00:44:20] I think it was it was it was a person. JENNA [00:34:14] So excited. And Kelly says she wants a June wedding. JENNA [00:50:13] He really does. The industrial power of the United States certainly is great, but for aid to be useful supplies must safely reach England and also be of such quantity as not only to replace the destruction already inflicted and that which will come to the industrial plants of Britain, but also to bring about superiority over Germany. ANGELA [00:01:56] Now, I told some of our writers about the thermostat war that we had-. We always had the best time. To state as they do that their losses in the battle of sixty days in Cyrenaica are not above 2,000 dead and wounded means adding a grotesque note to the drama. However, I have a very strong memory. JENNA [00:49:58] So they call Dwight's name and he-. "Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day, how long we've been at warthe war of work. By the time of his rise to power, Mussolini was in no way a communist. They're laughing and it's all wrapping up. ANGELA [00:33:50] It killed. JENNA [00:12:29] So "Cornhole with Celebrities". ANGELA [00:01:23] It's a huge honor. Michael: Im very sorry, I did not know that you were wearing a hearing aid, and I just thought that you were speaking abnormally. Kevin: Its like Club Med, but everything is naked. From the standpoint of human losses, they have been at a minimum if compared with the masses in action. And then they had to cancel it and reschedule it for a different day by a week. This has nothing to do with me. ANGELA [00:25:44] He saved it for ta bit. JENNA [00:57:53] Yeah. ANGELA [00:25:31] You know you did. JENNA [00:29:31] Yeah. We have to go back to the office because there's some Ryan sass happen. Transcript - Ep 23 - Dwight's Speech Office Ladies
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