Constant pestering by the Virgin in petty matters can blow off the Scorpion who may freeze or turn bitter. This relationship could have a little problem as a result of your changing nature compared to your lovers fixed personality. He is apparantly getting what he wants from two woman, that is extremely selfish behavior and its not okay to go behind someone elses back, not to mention living a double life! Virgo & Scorpio Love And Friendship Compatibility - Ponly Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility Virgo can be shy, timid and reserved, and your strong personality, supreme confidence and caring nature will sit well with this partner, while you'll find they add emotional stability and a level of organization to your life, which you sometimes lack. Im not sure how much pain I can continue to endure, when I cant figure out what Ive done to him that makes him treat me the way he does. They're the go with the flow people, and they put so much passion into achieving something. For the first time in years you feel alive. Check out the descriptions of narcissists on pinterest. With Scorpio by their side, its a whole new world of intense compassion, generosity, and loyalty. The hot and steaming lava may brew inside, waiting for the explosion. Virgo and Scorpio is a good match, working well as a team and complimenting each others strengths and weaknesses. Virgo is fussy and critical. The Virgo and Scorpio combination is not a very easy one but definitely an interesting one if they get along nicely. They set their minds to something, and they'll put 100% of their body and soul to achieve it. Sexy Scorpio makes the timid Virgin more adventurous as she joins in the pleasure game, inspiring the Scorpio to be her best sexual mate. Great friendship is pretty much assured, but a love match could be questionable. Still, while its not the whole Astro story, your and your crushs Sun signs give you some info to go on. Both Scorpio and Virgo share the same need to keep their sexual lives private. Virgo and Scorpio compatibility lovers are bound by the intense karmic bond in the relationship they share. Display genuineness, and no pick up lines. we just need to accept everything about our lover (both his/her bad or good), and give the rest to God to make it works. Then, a couple weeks later he starts to back off. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, if this is what you share with your lover, your sex life will never suffer but will be filled with satisfying moments. This has definitely taught me to have some patience. Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility: Friendship. Both share complementary elemental influences which makes them a couple who can create a Paradise on Earth!. For Scorpio and Virgo, compatibility is a blend of opposites, in many ways, but one which works very well given half a chance. This article is based only on sun sign interaction. Because neither of these signs has that headstrong, fiery nature like Aries or Leo, theyre unlikely to get into heated arguments often. But he just doesnt seem to care and hasnt seemed to want to talk about anything (like we used to be able to do) there is no effort to make things better. Scorpio women know that their man is lying or cheating but we dismiss it after looking in virgoes pretty eyes because we need that love no matter what we want it all back like the first time. Immensely curious and successful, there will be few dull moments in this love match. With their deep psychic gift, they can sensitively respond to Virgos needs for high standards and commitments. Insightful Virgo can see through Scorpios persona, which both alarms and delights secretive Scorpio; meanwhile, the Sorcerer is known for penetrating insight too, and can more than match Virgos knowing mind. You find it very hard to go partying or to dance. Jealousy in a bit swerving and appearance. Maybe because I saw the pain in her eyes and decided that maybe she need one true, good friend in her life or maybe how we thought in a very similiar way by being practical and logical about any situation. Its a love nest where the duo enjoys their privacy staying indoors, watching romantic thrillers, or just cuddling up in each others arms all day long! One was after me for ten years and I was after another one for eight. Problems may arise when the fixed sign Scorpio clashed with the mutable Virgo. I love this virgo-scorpio compatibility website because it helps me see how great we can be in the future. Just watch out. You often find it very easy to cope and relate well to each other compared to others. Heartless, worthless, money hungry empty people. If you have issues with self confidence, then don't judge yourself by Scorpios standards. *. These two zodiac signs both crave a lot of the same things. However, the more pressure that is imposed on you after you hiding in your shell, the most likely you are going to burst. Scorpio in particular feels protective of unassuming Virgo, and will defend the Healer to the ends of the earth and back again. After you placed your order contact for your FREE Horoscope Report! Scorpio and Virgo will have a great connection at first but after the Scorpio woman gets to know more about the Virgo man, she discovers alot of things that will make her move away. You're very much on the same page in this area. We say they are not similar because Virgo is too rational for Scorpio, and Scorpio is too emotional for Virgo. Scorpios constant emotional outbursts and a crisis of consciousness will really play with the Virgos nerves and quite possibly break them apart! Paradoxically, what one is missing the other compensates for. I am confused and lost and just want my friend/lover back and I fear that I will have to go. Scorpio is a fearless lover and will take Virgo along for the ride to unknown places. They guard their feelings, yes, but when people hit right through the soft spot, Scorpios will retreat into their shells and dismiss everyone. As the stinger is lusty and erotic, it raises Virgos expectations of pleasure, as both bring forth a level of passion where they get carried away! You can draw upon these qualities to determine if two signs work well together, or if they have less-than-favorable chemistry. Most of the time, s/he looks for better evidence to prove that you do a thing or not. Founded by a technocrat with a panel of expert and certified astrologers, Predictive Technologies Private Limited (MyPandit) launched on International Yoga Day in 2019. Virgo is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpios value passion and intimacy period! There should be a level of rationality in whatever approach is employed by your lover towards you for you to accept him/her. I believe that no two people are alike, so you must learn to find a balance. This trait can bring the Scorpio and Virgo extremely and unexpectedly close. Virgo is a cautious and reserved sign, and one difficulty your different personalities can lead to is during the start of the relationship. It seems as if we were together in a past life, because when we first met, if felt as if we have been knowing each other forever. When Scorpios and Virgos work together, they make a perfect team to achieve goals in no time. In fact, s/he often tries his/her best not to believe peoples claims about your deception. These two can develop an intellectual and emotional bond. Now I miss him so much and my sadness comes in waves but most of the time Im drowning. After I finally believed that I could trust her, I let her in my private bubble and into my home by making her my roommate, an honor I dont take lightly (that is if I have a say in it) After a year and some change, I got bored of her cynicism and negative outlook on life and start to see her how manipulative and love to collect your secrets so whenever we had an agrument or disagreement, shell try to use it against me and tried to make herself look better than I am. Apart from this, this will very significant as a result of the communication process to the relationship. But if their partner is unfaithful or hurtful, this is unforgivable for them. sometimes he goes cynical towards meand it hurts me that i go cold and silent at him. Over time, Virgo opens up and shows a creative but structured successful star sign. If a Scorpio woman allows jealousy to rear its head, things may go out of control. Virgos can realign the Scorpios when they fell under their fits, while Scorpios can teach Virgos how to provide criticisms without sounding like a judgmental person. They like to feel safe with their partner before they open up and start expressing their true selves. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. Scorpio and Virgo Personality Traits The eighth sign of the zodiac chart ,, Scorpio is often the misunderstood one. They are very in tuned to the people around them. Be wary of your Scorpios moods, and try not to criticize at bad times. Virgo man and Scorpio woman compatibility. The Scorpio often becomes suspicious of the little gestures given by the Virgo. i didnt find him sexy and appealing but im madly falling on him.and i always running for him, I am a virgo woman dating a scorpio man and it s going amazing i know him 4 years ago and was not really interested about him..but when it came to sex, i decided to get married with him!! This habit has the potential to cause issues between the two, but its not a given that it will. As a person, you often look for someone that will share your emotion about life. If youre a Virgo and asking yourself if your Scorpio is a good decision, then youre in the right place! When these two find each other, they're in it for the long haul. Both of you seem to be very deep and always ready to face any situation whatsoever. Your email address will not be published. And Virgo will take it much more personally than another sign would. As earth and water signs, Virgos and Scorpios complement each other in a lot of ways. You both value solitude and alone time, and can both be fairly unsociable. And all i can say its amazing , were extremely open about everything , hes trustworthy , loving , very intelligent and really makes me feel secure and safe. Scorpios value passion and intimacy period! They also complement each other: the weakness of one becomes the strength of another. The combination of your planet rulers is capable of making both of you successful in life. It is just the way they communicate. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. Often heard that an Earth sign can hardly vibe with a Water sign. The Virgo woman would also appreciate the Scorpio man when he can sense that she needs something. These signs have great admiration for each other. On the other hand, your lovers Mars is known for its passion while Pluto is known for power. Its necessary for the maiden to do her homework! Just like you want someone that can reach the emotion behind your rationality, your lover wants someone that will satisfy his communication craves. Scorpios adore the practicality of Virgos, while Virgos will admire the dedication and passion of the Scorpio. The elements Earth and Water represent that the natives are capable of understanding each other's behaviour and nature meaning that the couple can build a . Get prepared to see a whirlwind romance! Scorpios will take time to listen as the Virgo becomes transparent and reveals his deepest feelings and desires. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . Well at the end his mean words sounded very convincing. You are an Earth sign while your lover is a water sign. Your inability to let your lover down just like him/her is a reason for your strong relationship. Scorpios have to be sure a potential love mate can be trusted for life. A strong marriage bond will assure the Scorpion that it has found a sincere soul-mate and it will offer protection to the Virgin who craves the most! The combination of Virgo-Scorpio is a relationship of karma. As an Earth sign, Virgos want nothing but material security. The only problem that could make your relationship difficult emotionally is the criticism that you both are prone to. We may not even realize our approach hurts so mention it. They both value trust and loyalty and they want a small circle of friends, and they put intimacy on top of everything. Scorpio wants power, whereas Virgo wants order; working together, this couple can achieve both. Scorpio Men and Virgo Women Should Take Romantic Walks Together I recently just ended my friendship of 3 years with a virgo girl. Both of you are always ready to go to any length in life in overcoming any issue.